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From María Elena Real Estate Agency we want people to be able to enjoy the sea and surfing whatever their condition is.

We actively promote and participate in training sessions of inclusive surfing and diversity organized by Mediterranean Surf School in its social area.

We invite you to participate in these formations or to collaborate as volunteers in the days of surfing and diversity, in which a beautiful link, difficult to forget, is generated between participants and volunteers. Each day is unique, and at the end of the day, we always carry in the backpack: a great smile, a great experience and a huge personal and sentimental added value.

Our commitment to Mediterranean Surf School extends to sustainability and protect the environment in which we enjoyed the beach and the sea, to reduce, at the maximum possible the impact environmental


This event give us the possibility to investigate the social environment, providing tools for our day to day, as well as being able to put it into practice in adapted surfing volunteering.



  • After the journeys we want these concepts to be clear
  • Familiarization with the work environment and autonomy to take right decisions
  • Encourage a good teamwork, cohesion and communication.
  • Learn basic knowledge of the sea and its reading, for a correct job.
  • Improve the accompaniment techniques in the water.
  • Learn how to react in an emergency situation.



Welcome 15 minutes

Our facilities 30 minutes

Corporate debate 15 minutes

Group dynamics 1 hour

Generating groups 15/20 minutes

Recovering our skin 30 minutes






From María Elena Real Estate Agency we want to invite you to participate next Saturday 15th of December, from 10:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the 2nd Edition of the BENEFICIAL DESMARKET organized by the Social Mediterranean Surf School at La Casa de la Mar

If you want to spend a pleasant day fostering solidarity and promoting the Inclusive Surfing Social Program of Mediterranean Surf School. People from any age and condition is more than welcome.

We will host activities for everyone:

– Yoga

– SUP crossing

– Exhibition and sale of paintings by the artist Pepe Álvarez

– Market with all kinds of items from €2

– Creative workshops for the little ones

– Paella

– Concerts

– Surf lesson

– Storytelling

– Raffle

All funds raised will go to our Project of Social Mediterranean Surf School to obtain Scholarships and Adapted Material to make the activity more accessible so we can give the opportunity to more people who enjoy the sea.

Join us, we will wait for you.



The guide canes change color according to the needs of the carrier. The red and white canes, as we can see in the picture, indicate that the person is deaf and blind.

If someday you see a person with this type of cane stopped at a traffic light, we invite you to come and put your arm under his, they will understand that you want to guide him to cross the street.


Lifting a person from a wheelchair can be complicated without the basic notions.

The position of our legs or arms are fundamental when it comes to lifting them, the support in our own body will help to distribute the weight and make the task much easier.






If you need aditional  information about the following functional diversity formations, do not hesitate to contact us


Inclusión – Formación – Diversidad – Experiencias


Durante el fin de semana del 5 y 6 de mayo 2018, recibimos en La Casa de la Mar la mejor formación sobre inclusión y diversidad funcional de la mano de:

  • ASOCIDE Sistemas de comunicación,… Impresionantes Pascual, Fernando, Maica y Carmen que nos dejaron atónitos con su capacidad de expresión.
  • Violeta Alarcón Formación sobre Personas y Diversidad, “brillante” sorpresa para los voluntarios y participantes.
  • TETRASPORT Formación práctica de transferencias y apoyos, de gran ayuda y con todo lujo de detalles y prácticas in situ con José Luis y Rubén.
  • Hugo Sánchez… 3, 2, 1 al agua! Adaptación y técnica de acompañamiento en el mar, formación práctica imprescindible.

Mediterranean Surf SchoolKind-SurfLa Casa de la Mar

Estas formaciones están dedicadas a todas aquellas personas que buscan conocer y adentrarse en la experiencia de la inclusión. Son jornadas ABIERTAS y GRATUITAS, no es necesario ser voluntaria o voluntario de Mediterranean Surf School.

Si quieres participar como voluntario en las jornadas de Surf y Diversidad que se realizan desde el área social de Mediterranean Surf School contacta con: